the easter worthy novena
THIS EASTER, LET US deepen OUR reliance on Christ and uncover OUR self-worth through the mystery of His death and resurrection
Dearest Lord Jesus,
I know you desire that I see myself the way You see me, the way You marvel at the goodness of my soul, and the beauty of my heart. Please give me the grace to look past my flaws, reject thoughts of comparison, and rebuke the negative voices that breed self-loathing. With Your loving gaze Lord, fill me with Your peace. Teach me how to accept who I am, knowing that You already do. Allow me to find strength in the body You gave me, seeing every scar and imperfection as a triumph of growing closer to You through my struggles. Whisper in my ear that my worth does not come from my clothing size, material goods, or what others think of me. Remind me how You knit me in my mother’s womb, know the number of hairs on my head, and created me in Your image. Hold me in your gaze and draw me close to you.
Jesus, I trust in you. Mary, Mother of Our Redeemer, pray for me.
Day 2 meditation: Easter Sunday
Dearest Lord Jesus,
On this day of Your resurrection, I marvel at the empty tomb with deep awe of Your meekness in accepting Your suffering. You did not fight back or run away, neither did You argue Your innocence or decide to stop those who were torturing You. You endured great pain just to save me from my sin. I imagine You now on your Heavenly throne, awaiting the good souls that will join you there. How I long to be in Your presence. Though I desire to be close to You, I feel pulled away by many worries. Lord, You know my heart. You know how much I desire to be whole so I can serve the people You entrust to my care. Somehow I feel that perhaps I am not enough, or that my efforts will never be enough.
My heart longs for harmony between the spiritual care of my soul and my physical needs. Please increase my trust in You, and show me the importance of caring for my whole body and soul. When I hear the snide voice of the enemy accusing me with remarks like, “Who does she think she is?” remind me of my worth in You. Cover me with the warmth of Your breath of life, and help me see how you desire my wholeness from the inside out. Unlock the chamber in my heart that is blocking your love for me, so that I can be an echo of your love for others.
Jesus, I trust in you. Mary, Mother of Our Redeemer, pray for me.
Day 3 meditation: Easter Monday
Dearest Lord Jesus,
I fall into discouragement when I look at my never ending to-do list. As a woman, you have given me a feminine genius to nurture those I serve in my mission with genuine care and authenticity. Please help me not to lose my identity in my daily responsibilities. I know in my heart that You want more for me than fulfilling my duties— You want me to be fulfilled, passionate, cheerful, and kind. Help me to break away from the feelings of shame that make me believe I have to be a slave to my to-do list in order to love well. Please block the resistance I feel in caring for myself, because it leads me to resentment of the very people I love.
When I begin to look for compensations instead of true re-creation that is part of Your loving plan for me, help me prioritize a simple routine of maintenance for my body and soul so that I can pour from a full cup; an overflowing cup of peace and charity. I commit to giving You the first moments of my day, and ask You to take care of the rest. Do not allow me to loosen boundaries on the time I plan to spend with You, or the time I plan to spend getting ready for a new day with You at my side.
Jesus, I trust in you. Mary, Mother of Our Redeemer, pray for me.